Hanna Ashcraft
Travel Blogger, Freelance Writer, Outdoor Adventurer, and Curious Explorer
Oh, hello, I’m Hanna!
I am the primary person creating everything you see on Moderately Adventurous for women who want to travel more, have deeper experiences, enjoy the outdoors, and adventurous ideas for travel.
In 2016, my best friend Rebecca and I created Moderately Adventurous to document our travels (read our friendship origin story below). In 2017, I decided to walk away from my career in event planning to pursue something travel-related and visually creative. In 2018, I decided to make Moderately Adventurous a real thing. In 2020, I filed the paperwork to make Moderately Adventurous a proper business.
Who is Moderately Adventurous?
When I create anything for Moderately Adventurous, I always have my girlfriends in mind. If I were telling them how to do this hike, spa experience, wine tasting, or international adventure — what information would they need? And how can I use my organization skills from event planning to best deliver the information?
What we consider to be adventurous is different for every person. It could mean taking a cooking class in Thailand. It could be hiking a volcano in Guatemala. Or it could be paragliding in Germany. Or it could simply be going on a weekend trip to a nearby town you’ve never been visited.
We all want to go to amazing places and do adventurous things, but it can be intimidating. This is why I break down every adventure into actionable steps for you to follow. Watch out, I can be verbose, but it’s all to give you a better idea of what an experience will really be like.
Reader Story
A reader once wrote to me: “I found your Mt. Whitney training schedule and I’m planning to do a bit of a self-test and then modify your Whitney schedule to train for my much whimpier goal. I love your content and your cheeky humor and I’m really excited to see what else you’ve got to offer.” First of all, her goal was not whimpier. And second, encouraging someone to push on their comfort zone and get outdoors, like that, makes me so proud and drives everything I do.
Have you used information on the blog to plan or go on a trip? I’d love to hear about it.
I moved to Eugene, Oregon in 2022 and am beyond excited to have access to and explore the Pacific Northwest. Closer access to snow, waterfalls galore, and all of the Cascades to hike around – I’m in heaven. In addition to outdoor adventures, my love of coffee runs very deep as does my love for Lana Del Rey.
If you can’t get enough of me, here are three things most people don’t know:
- I am such a sleeper! I love a good nap and getting plenty of zzzz’s each night.
- I went to UC Berkeley for undergrad, majoring in Sociology and a minor in Art History. Go Bears!
- I believe women are so powerful and the relationships with the women in my life are some of the most valuable things I have.
Okay, this seems like a lot already. Are you bored to tears? If not, sign up for my mailing list at the bottom of the page to hear from me roughly every week. Or, follow me on one of the social media platforms I’m most active by clicking the buttons below.
I’m glad you’re here :).
Check out my Press Page!
I’ve been quoted as an ‘expert’ which is very fun. I’ve also begun to write articles for different publications, which is very, VERY fun.
Contact Me:
I don’t love those pesky forms! Feel free to reach out to me directly at:
ModeratelyAdventurous @ gmail.com

Where to follow along:
Personal thoughts on travel, where I’m traveling, tips, and first place for announcements. Sign up at the bottom of this page!
Inspiring photos with micro-blog captions that relate to more content on the blog.
Random wholesome videos from my travels. Travel tips and updates thrown in every now and then.
Daily pins shared related to content on the blog to help you organize your trip.
The Origin Story
Once upon a time there was an Intro to Psychology class at UC Berkeley, where there were two above average girls with flowing brown hair and brilliant brown eyes. By “once upon a time”, I mean the fall of 2008 in the Fall Program for Freshmen. And by “above average”, I mean in height. But there was still a lot of hair involved.
Hanna’s Story:
I typically sat on the left side of the room (when facing the front of the class) about halfway through the row… Not too far front, not too far back, not too center, not too periphery — perfectly moderate. I decided that day that I needed to meet more people. I’m pretty sure I started talking to a nervous looking blond guy first (Andrew). Andrew immediately introduced me to another girl near him, named Rebecca. The three of us shared a general sense of confusion about the class. Rebecca would swipe Andrew and I into the dining hall, which was an enormous highlight for me. Rebecca was a genuine person, who was so nice to everyone she met. So much so that she made me want to be kind-er person. Within a month of meeting, we had decided to dress as boy scouts for Halloween. We had knee-high white striped socks and boy scout uniform tops. Apparently, I was a troop leader! It was raining that night and I don’t remember much, but I know I got home thanks to Rebecca. Rebecca and I were bonded for life.
Rebecca’s Story:
I walked to class with my friend Andrew. I’m pretty sure Hanna introduced herself. I’m also pretty sure she’s was in another one of my classes. At least one other class. I think. We definitely crossed paths a couple times a week. I honestly don’t remember what she said, but I swiped both Andrew and Hanna into the dining hall. Hanna lived at a weird dorm-ish place that provided meals and oatmeal. In no time, I was close enough with Hanna to walk home with a purse of instant oatmeal. The kind with dinosaur eggs. Hanna taught me about Doe Library, how to use Pandora, how to walk in high heels, how to make flirty eyes with boys at Doe Library, and the joys of pineapple fried rice. When we lived together and shared laundry, I would pull multiples of the same item in the size out of the drier and we debate what belonged to who. The lines between Hanna and Rebecca have remained blurred ever since.