Traveling soon?? Or maybe you want to? I always try to have something on the horizon to look forward to – plus, there is always plenty to explore! And although it’s tough with Covid, it’s never too early to start planning, dreaming, or doing local explorations. There are essentially three ways to plan a trip:
1. Plan it Yourself
I believe you can plan a trip perfectly suited to you with memorable adventures along the way. With a little bit of research and organization, you can take the stress out of decision-making in person and feel fully immersed in the destination. Plus, I have tools and resources to make it fun and stress-free, such as:
- Over 200 blog posts packed with travel information!
- Free worksheets to get you started. (Scroll down)
- A trip-planning template to keep everything organized. (Scroll down)
- An email accountability series with weekly tips to book each trip step. (Scroll down)
- An email newsletter with weekly inspiration.
2. Use a Travel Agent
How nice would it be to simply show up to your vacation with everything already booked?? Well, that’s the job of a travel agent! They will take care of all the details, including helping you through all the pandemic hoops. Travel agents specialize in your type of travel and/or your ideal destination.
I love sharing my experiences, tips, and resources as a travel blogger. But I’m not going to be the best person to plan your trip. However, I am actively developing relationships with travel agents, so I know who to recommend. Sign up for my email newsletter to be the first one to hear about how it’s going!
3. Go on a Multi-day Group Tour
Multi-day group tours are a lovely mix of someone else handling the bulk of the trip logistics, but you still have the freedom to plan things in your downtime. Group tours are fantastic for complicated destinations, when you want support on outdoor adventures (rafting, trekking, etc.), or want an exceptional experience.
- Check out the Travel with Me page to see if you want to go on any multi-day tours with me! They are public tours that I will be writing about for the company, and I would love to have you!
- Or you can also read reviews of my previous trips by visiting my Group Tour Reviews.

Trip Planning Template
When you’re planning a trip, how are you currently keeping it all organized? Is it a hot mess of different emails and a jumble of details in your head? Haha, that’s how I started too.
After a few trips, I started to crave a structure during the trip planning process and began to create a single document to pop in all my notes, links, confirmation codes, and addresses. The initial trip planning document was born.
After even more trips, a particular structure emerged where I can now keep and find information easily. If you are currently planning a trip, a single document you can keep coming back to will be KEY to keeping everything organized. This template was created as a tool for the trip planning accountability email courses below. Even if you do not take an email course, I WANT you to use this template for your trip planning, which is why the template is only $5.00.
It is set up as a Google Doc that you edit as you go and is not automatic. I love Google Docs because of the ability for more than one person to be editing the document – this is how you can more easily plan trips with friends or family! Also, you can have accessibility to your research and links while on the trip. If you prefer, you can also download the template as a Word Document.
I also have a blog post that will help you utilize your trip planning temple. Check it out here.
Price: $5.00
Email Accountability Series
Plan a Weekend Trip
Email Accountability Series
If you’ve never planned a trip before or want to be better at it, why not start with a weekend trip?
In this email series, I will walk you through the steps of planning a wonderful weekend getaway. It is packed full of tips and recommendations for each step of the planning process for a 3- to 5-day trip. You can expect an email every 3 days, for a total of 15 days. Purchase and plan your weekend trip in advance, so you can enjoy while you’re there! At the end of the 6 emails, you will have planned a delightful little weekend trip.
Includes: 6 Emails, Google Doc Planning Template, Choose a Destination Worksheet, Packing Worksheet, and Guided Tour Checklist
Price: $27.95
Plan a Trip in 1 Month
Email Accountability Series
If you’d like to plan a trip taking place in 1 or 2 months but don’t know where to start, this is the product for you!
I’ve created this email series that walks you through each step of planning a trip entirely from scratch. We will strike a nice balance of doing a little research while recognizing the pressure to move forward and book items each week. You can expect an email every 3 to 4 days for the next four weeks, with a specific checklist to complete each email’s tasks. You will have a complete trip structure at the end of one month and feel ready to travel.
Includes: 9 Emails, Google Doc Planning Template, Choose a Destination Worksheet, Packing Worksheet, and Guided Tour Checklist
Price: $27.95

Plan a Trip in 3 Months
Email Accountability Series
You have the ability to plan a life-changing trip for yourself.
Enjoy the luxury of planning a trip from scratch over three months! We have time to dive into each topic, research, and watch prices during this email accountability series. The extra time allows you to consider more things and take each step a little slower. You’ll receive one or two emails each week to keep your trip planning on track. You will have a complete trip structure at the end of three months and be entirely ready for travel.
Includes: 15-20 Emails, Google Doc Planning Template, Choose a Destination Worksheet, Packing Worksheet, and Guided Tour Checklist
Price: $27.95
Please note that I am not able to issue refunds at this time. Be ready to start planning a trip because the email series will begin as soon as you purchase the item. However, you can reference the emails in the future for as long as you’d like!
FREE Worksheets
Free Worksheet:
Choose a Destination
Choosing where you want to go is the first step in planning any trip. But it can also feel impossible to make a decision and commit to it. With this worksheet, I will walk you through the steps to brainstorm and narrow down your options to ultimately choose a destination.
Set aside 30 minutes with your travel partner (or alone) and you will be that much closer to making your trip a reality.
Free Checklist:
Make the Most of a Guided Tour
I’ve taken a few multi-day group tours (like in Cuba and Peru) and what feels like a hundred single-day guided activities. I’ve had great tours and I’ve also had not-so-great tours. What I’ve learned along the way is that we can influence how great an experience is by carefully choosing a company, preparing ourselves before the tour, and being present in the moment. Get the free checklist today to ensure you’re getting the most from each guided tour.
Read more about the Guided Tour Checklist in this Blog Post. Or click the button below to get it emailed to you immediately!
Free Worksheet:
Stop Overpacking For Your Trips!
This free worksheet is perfect for travelers who dread packing and over-or under-pack for trips. If this is you, then maybe it’s time to try a NEW packing system that leads you through a step-by-step process to pack exactly what you need for your trip. This is NOT minimalist packing, but perfect for those tired of carrying around too much luggage when traveling.
Read instructions for the individual steps in this Blog Post. Or click the button below to get it emailed to you immediately!