Belize – Border Crossing to Guatemala and Mexico

Belize is a small country with plenty to do for an entire week. However, when planning my Belize adventure, I couldn’t resist exploring the Tikal Ruins in Guatemala. Also, it was much less expensive to fly out of Cancun than Belize City. This kind of itinerary, it required three border crossings. To be honest, border crossings make me nervous, so I did a lot of research. Nothing terrible happened, except for paying questionable entry fees to both Guatemala and Mexico. Because there is a lot of contradictory information out there, here is how it our Belize border crossings to Guatamala and Mexico went in March 2018.
(I apologize for not having photos of what the process looks like, but I was nervous to take photos and had to remain focused.)
Belize – Border Crossing to Guatemala and Mexico
Border Crossing: Belize to Guatemala
We began our border crossing experiences after visiting San Ignacio, were we went river cave tubing, rum tasting, and on an iguana tour. From there, we were headed to Tikal, which is about 2 hours past the Guatemala border. When you get to the Belize border, there are a ton of guys waiting to exchange money. But otherwise it was pretty calm. Here are the steps we took:
- Take shuttle to the Belize border
- Pay Belize Exit Fee (have $37.50BZE ready), have passport stamped showing exit
- Walk across border to Guatemalan buildings
- Pay possible Guatemala entry fee ($20 – $40 GTQ)
- Get passport stamped for Guatemala entry
Because we arranged transportation to Tikal, our Guatemalan driver drove us across the bridge instead of us walking. He also spoke with the Guatamala border agents for us. As for the Guatemala entry fee, it doesn’t seem to be consistently enforced. Our driver ensured us that the agents require a fee, so we didn’t fight it. I want to say it was 20 GTQ, but it might have been 40 GTQ
There is a town on the Guatamalan border called Melcho de Mencos. The border area seems super open, whereas the Belize side had gates and a funneled entrance.
Border Crossing: Guatemala to Belize
The reverse – going back into Belize is simpler in a way because you do not have to pay any fees. But we did have some trouble because they ask where you are staying for the night. We were staying in an Airbnb on Caye Caulker, which “airbnb” does not come up in their systems. Instead, we spoke to a helpful Belize woman on a computer, who was there to help lookup accommodations. She was able to find the name given to the Airbnb we were staying at. Once again, here are the steps we took:
- Take shuttle to the Guatemala border
- Have passport stamped for Guatamala Exit
- Walk across border to Belize buildings
- Talk to accommodations woman
- Get passport stamped for Belize entry

Border Crossing: Belize to Mexico via Ferry
Since we were already on Caye Caulker and the airport was under construction, we decided to take a ferry to Chetumal, then take a bus to Tulum. A couple things to note about taking the ferry to Mexico. First off, they leave on exact time – not a minute later (we almost missed the ferry). Also, it takes a long time to go through all the steps at San Pedro and then again at Chetumal. We started the process at 6:30 am and left Chetumal at 12:00 pm. Here were the steps we took.
- Depart Caye Caulker at 7:00 am
- Arrive to San Pedro 7:30 am
- Pay Belize exit fee of $37.50 BZD, have passport stamped for Belize exit, wait everyone going to Chetumal to board before departure
- Depart San Pedro, Arrive to Chetumal probably around 9:30 am
- A drug dog checks all purses and backpacks, The ferry operator kept checked luggage separate until after going through entry process
- Fill out immigration form
- Pay possible Mexico entry fee ($25 USD)
- Get passport stamped for Mexico entry
The process of exiting Belize is pretty well organized with people helping you through the process. I cannot exactly say the same for Mexico because of questionable entry fee. The ferry had around 50 people on board, who all want to get through the process as fast as possible. There was one guy doing all the stamping and checking, so we waited in a line as patiently as possible. I read online that the border agents waive the fee for people staying less than 72 hours, which would be us. When I try to ask this question, the guy was already flustered and simply repeated the fee requirement. There was no one else there to ask and an entire line behind me. I paid the fee. The information online is very contradictory or from 2013, so I am still not sure.
Overall Thoughts: Belize border crossing to Guatemala and Mexico
The moments I felt most unclear and unsure were when paying the entry fees for Guatemala and Mexico. I think this is in large part due to the language barrier. I couldn’t really ask questions and definitely didn’t feel like I could say “no” to paying the fees. Perhaps they were scams, but I would rather be short $30, than cause trouble and lose a couple hours at the border. I don’t feel great about it, but in the larger picture, the border crossing went relatively smoothly
If you are considering doing an itinerary where you are doing a Belize border crossing to Guatemala and Mexico soon, I recommend having the money on you in case the border agents ask you as well. If you feel confident to say “no” or to ask for a receipt, go for it. Just know that in March 2018, we were asked.
Have you been through any harrowing border crossings? What do you recommend that we should have done? Or do you think we did the right thing? Let us know in the comments about your experience and follow me on Instagram for more updates!
Happy Travels,

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